Title | Composer First Name | Composer Last Name | Copies | Season | Voicing |
A Star in the East | Gwyneth | Walker | 21 | Christmas | SATB |
Adoramus te Christe | Theodore | Dubois | 17 | Easter | SATB |
Advent Supplication | Hal | Hopson | 26 | Advent | SATB |
Ah Holy Jesus | Johann | Cruger | 30 | Easter | SATB |
Ah Holy Jesus | Roger | Petrich | 29 | Lent | SATB |
All Hail Jesus! Behold the King! | Lloyd | Larson | 23 | Holy Week | SATB |
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name | Hal | Hopson | 24 | General | SATB |
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name | Arthur | Ward | 12 | General | SATB |
All in the April Evening | Hugh | Roberton | 18 | Easter | SAB |
All People That On Earth Do Dwell | Genevan Psalter | 23 | Unison | ||
All Praise To The (Tallis Canon) | Thomas | Tallis | 13 | 2-part | |
All You Works of the Lord Bless the Lord | Kenneth | Jennings | 30 | General | SATB |
Alleluia | Garry | Cornell | 14 | Easter | SATB |
Alleluia | William | Boyce | 30 | General | SATB |
Alleluia Alleluia (Resurrection) | Noble | Cain | Epiphany | SATB | |
Alleluia, Praise the Risen King! | Lloyd | Larson | 23 | Easter | SATB |
Alleluia! Christ is Risen | Andra | Kopolyoff | 31 | Easter | SATB |
Alleluia! O Praise the Lord Most Holy | Johann S. | Bach | 23 | Easter | SATB |
Alleluja! | Johann Sebastian | Bach | 36 | Christmas | SAB |
Almighty God unto Whom all Hearts be Op | James | Pears | 9 | General | SATB |
Amazing Grace | Anthony | Furnivall | 18 | General | SATB |
Amen So Be It! | Natalie | Sleeth | 25 | General | 2-part |
America The Beautiful | Samuel | Ward | 17 | General | SATB |
An American Hymn | Cecil | Effinger | 53 | General | SATB |
An Easter Chant | Gordon | Young | 32 | Easter | SATB |