Westminster Presbyterian Church

Youth Ministry

[tab title=”Middle School”]

Our Middle School Discipleship is for students in 6th – 8th grade. We are a community of students that represents Middle Schools from all around the city. No matter where you go to school, you will fit in here!

Sunday School

Join us on Sunday mornings from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
We offer a Sunday School Class for all students 6th-8th grades.  The class meets in Room 1 of Covenant Hall.

Youth Group

We will meet every Sunday during the school year from 5:00-6:00 p.m. We eat dinner together each week.  We’ll use a series of object lessons, mission projects, and fun field trips to learn that our God is in everything we do.


However, the fun doesn’t stop with these faith formative opportunities…there’s more! Join us each Summer for Fellowship and Mission opportunities or for camp at Bethelwoods and Montreat. We also participate in Youth Sunday.  A youth led worship service for the entire church.  Come and hang out with us!
[tab title=”High School”]

Our High School Discipleship is for students in 9th through 12th grades. We have students from all over the Charleston area, including students from public and private High Schools. It’s a chance to grow in your faith with God while having a lot of fun and making new friends.

Sunday School

Join us in High School Sunday School on Sunday mornings from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. In the Youth Room (Rm 3 of Covenant Hall). This is a chance to learn about all of those important topics everyone is talking about as well as share your own ideas. We want to hear what you have to say, so come on out and join us this Sunday!

Youth Group

Youth Group is our weekly gathering. We will meet Sunday evenings during the school year from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. We have dinner together, play games, and grow in our faith by participating in service opportunities, learning opportunities, and fun fellowship opportunities.  The Youth Group time can be anything from feeding our homeless neighbors to playing games in the church.

Other Senior High Stuff

Senior High Youth Group also offers a number of other fun ways for you to get involved! Each Summer we attend youth conferences at Montreat with Presbyterian Youth from all across the U.S. We have Mission opportunities every Summer. In January we travel with the other Charleston Atlantic Presbytery Youth on an annual retreat.  These include trips to Disney World for Faith in 3-D Conference, Ski Trips, and more.  We also participate in Youth Sunday.  A youth led worship service for the entire church.