Sundays at Westminster
9:00 a.m. Worship
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship

200th Anniversary

Great is Thy Faithfulness

2023 is the anniversary of Westminster’s founding, and we look back with gratitude and forward with eagerness and anticipation.  God is faithful, and we give him all glory, honor, and praise. 

We’ve set aside a few days in September for the celebration, and here are some of the details.

All-Church Picnic at McLeod Plantation
Saturday, September 23
4:00 – 7:00 p.m.

We’ll gather at McLeod Plantation  (325 Country Club Drive) on Saturday, September 23 from 4:00 – 7:00 for fellowship, a special Lowcountry meal of Fried Chicken, Mac N Cheese, Fired Okra, Cucumber and Tomato Salad, prepared by Jamie Westendorff, and a dessert truck from a local favorite.  Everyone in the Westminster family is invited, and there is no cost; we just need your RSVP by September 17 to make proper arrangements.  Details about parking, shuttles, etc will be sent out prior to the picnic.  RSVP HERE

Anniversary Worship
Sunday, September 24
9:00 & 11:00 a.m.

We’ll gather for worship on Sunday, September 24 for joy-filled worship.  Rev. Tom Are, Associate Pastor from 1986-1989 is our guest preacher.  The 11:00 service is festive and full; the 9:00 service is more meditative.

All-Church Photo
Sunday, September 24
10:00 a.m. in the Courtyard

We’re updating the glass historical case in the narthex, and one of the things we need is a picture of the whole church!  So, we’re all gathering in the courtyard at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday the 24th.  Don’t miss the chance to be in the photo that will be displayed for years to come.

Share Your Story

We’re updating the Westminster history book with chapters that cover the last 25 years.  If you have a story to share about your experience of the mission and ministry of the church, please email it to


We’re taking orders for 200th Anniversary TShirts:  Green with the anniversary logo on the back.  T-shirt pre-order has closed.

Great Is Thy Faithfulness Devotional

During the month of September, we’ll be sending our email devotionals created by people in the Westminster family.  These testimonies of God’s faithfulness help us to give thanks to God, from whom all blessings flow. Make sure you’re signed up for the ENEWS, and you’ll receive them.