Sundays at Westminster
9:00 a.m. Worship
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship

At Westminster, Deacons are called and ordained to a ministry of service and caring.  From the days of the early church, Deacons have been men and women of compassion, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for all people, especially the ones with special needs. There are 33 Deacons at Westminster, elected by the congregation for 3 year terms.


SUNSHINE TEAM sends birthday cards and care notes out to everyone in the Westminster family. We want everyone to feel loved, included, and affirmed on special occasions.

THE HOPE TEAM reaches out to the ones in the Westminster family who are homebound, facing or recovering from medical issues, pregnancy & birth, walking through a season of grief, or having other special needs. That care may come in the form of calls/texts/mail, visits, or coordinated meals. (HOPE stands for Helping Other Presbyterians Everyday).

THE HOSPITALITY TEAM helps visitors and new members find their way in the life and ministry of Westminster. Special care is offered to people for about a year after becoming part of the Westminster family: inviting them to special events, answering questions about the church, and making sure they have a friendly face they can rely on in the congregation.ther special needs. That care may come in the form of calls/texts/mail, visits, or coordinated meals. (HOPE stands for Helping Other Presbyterians Everyday)

DEACONS ON DEMAND team helps the Westminster family with immediate needs: visits to the hospitalized, special errands, a quick meal, or transportation to appointments.

If you or someone you know needs Deacon assistance please let the office know, 843.766.8311 or